My Holistic Child

Discover a nurturing path to support your child's well-being. Holistic health offers an integrated approach that fosters harmony in mind, body, and spirit, empowering your little one to thrive and flourish in a balanced and vibrant way.


Meet Ali & Xavier

Hi, I’m Ali.

I believe life is meant to be full of love, joy and happiness. Along the way there can be many stumbling blocks and obstacles, tests and trials. I believe it’s how we choose to manoeuvre through life that matters. I have learned a lot on my journey so far and I would like to share what has helped me.  

I give gratitude to my husband Mark, all my teachers and mentors, especially Jocelyn and my twin sister Jackie for being my confidents and champions throughout, all the Goddess’s(my soul SiSTARS) and family and friends who have supported me along the way and continue to support my passion and vision. My intention is empowering and educating people and families in holistic health using holistic tools and wellness modalities that have changed my life, I know they can change yours too.

My son Xavier is my biggest inspiration. Xavier was born after a twelve-year fertility journey. It was a hard-fought journey that required me to dig deeper than I ever have. It took strength, courage, determination,  support, patience, planning and most important self-belief and the belief that miracles do happen and he is my proof that they do.

How can holistic health help your child?

A holistic approach to health is looking at health and wellness as a whole rather than individual parts. For example, looking at the whole child physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Caring for all parts of your child and yourself - mind, body and soul. It’s rooted in the understanding that all these aspects affect your overall health, and being unwell in one aspect affects you in others.

Holistic health incorporates complementary therapies that have been scientifically proven to work. It focuses on wellness and prevention, rather than just treating diseases. It is a comprehensive and personalised way of thinking about wellness. Holistic health is not just about symptoms, its about overall health and life.

My mission is to empower you with the education and motivation to make healthier choices and live a better life.

- Ali

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The Meaning Behind the Giraffe

The giraffe, a majestic creature with its towering neck and gentle gaze, holds deep spiritual symbolism. It embodies grace, intuition, and an elevated perspective on life. Symbolising the connection between heaven and earth, the giraffe invites us to embrace our spiritual journey and expand our consciousness. Its long neck encourages us to reach for higher truths and gain a broader vision of the world. As a symbol of patience and balance, the giraffe teaches us to trust our instincts, navigate challenges with grace, and remain grounded in our spirituality.


Ali Ali Ali what can I say... lots apparently haha. I met beautiful Ali in 2010, in the beauty industry, she quickly showed me all about natural health and wellness, after my 1st reiki treatment with Ali a whole new world opened up for me and little did we know a beautiful friendship had started. Reiki intrigued me and I studied in 2012 with the lovely Jocelyn at Ali’s workplace at the time it was amazing to experience this with Ali by my side. I enjoyed all the group sessions in Auckland before I moved away.

As a Beauty Therapist it was refreshing to begin to learn about a different way of helping clients and growing within myself. Ali has since been my trainer for Phyts skincare, and taught my partner and I family aromotouch before I trained to perform this on my clients. Ali also showed me a whole world of magic when she introduced me to dōTERRA I now use dōTERRA daily and in my treatments as well as skincare she was so helpful setting up my account and answering any questions I had. Ali taught me how the oils can be used during labour different blends for different stages of labour. Using all senses and oils applied of specific areas of the body and creating connection between my husband and I during a very special time of our lives. We had relaxing music and of course my diffuser going too.

During pregnancy I went to Ali for her gorgeous massage and Reiki. Ali is an absolute role model to me, she knows her craft inside and out. Ali helps families from dads with sports injuries, mums with bubs, kids with bumps and scrapes and your fur babies. I highly recommend working with stunning Ali.

- Judie Shaw

Ali and I met during an early evening summer walk in 2021. Both off us were walking with our baby boys happily tucked in their prams, and our paths literally crossed.

Ali’s little boy Xavier was around 5 months old at the time,  and my son Neo was 3 1/2 months old. Ali and I connected with ease and grace. It felt like a higher hand had orchestrated our meeting that day, manifesting our soul wish to have a “mum friend” along our journeys of raising our much loved little people.

Ali’s love and knowledge off dōTERRA essential oils was something that felt familiar to me, as my father had dabbled with a variety of oils during my younger years. Ali and I also discovered that we connected spiritually, and I am grateful for Ali often reminding me to rise out of fear/ego paradigms and to tap into and operate from a place off love.

Ali has shared lots off tips on how to utilize the oils for many different purposes. In my busy life of juggling motherhood alongside an emotionally demanding job, I love the oils for their emotionally supportive and balancing effects and how they support with emotional wellbeing. 

- Jennifer Head

It is with appreciation that I write this for Ali whose gifts of holistic healing, beauty therapies, reiki healing and wellness tools, have always supported the person she is working with. I have had the honour of working alongside Ali for many years with a deep enduring friendship as her extraordinary delightful spirit takes you on a journey of upliftment. Exploring oneself and helping peel away the layers to discover the real you has been her forte.

I am excited for Ali as she journeys with her precious son Xavier and ‘My Holistic Child’ programs with insight and support for you. If you are drawn to explore your inner wisdom Ali will inspire you with all she has to offer. I am forever grateful for our siSTAR relationship.


- Jocelyn Oades

Meeting Ali was a turning point in my life when I was consumed in the shadows of depression and anxiety. At that time, my physical, mental, and spiritual self-wore shades of grey, and little did I know that a simple decision to indulge in a facial would unravel a transformative journey.

Ali's introduction of reiki into my life was nothing short of magical. From the very first session, it felt like a soothing balm for my soul. As our therapeutic relationship blossomed, Ali, with unwavering support, encouraged me to explore the realms of reiki further. She connected me with a reiki master, igniting a flame within me to embark on a path I never imagined possible. The journey was challenging, but Ali stood by me, a pillar of strength and encouragement.

Armed with the newfound knowledge of reiki, Ali seamlessly guided me into the realms of Gia wellness and aromatherapy. Together, we ventured into the world of doTERRA, where Ali's expertise became my compass, providing answers to the intricate nuances of essential oils—what, when, where, why, and how to use them.

Beyond the practitioner-client relationship, Ali evolved into a cherished friend, mentor, and unwavering supporter. Through her, I discovered a vibrant community of like-minded individuals, and together, we embraced the empowering journey of the goddess realm. Being a goddess, alongside Ali, transcends mere words; it signifies a profound connection and an elevated level of support.

Gratitude fills my heart as I reflect on the transformative impact Ali has had on my life. Emerging from the depths of darkness, she illuminated my path with tools and possibilities I never knew existed. Thank you, dear Ali (Goddess of the sultry fire), for being a guiding light and forever remaining my wonderful friend.

-Anne Chisolm

Awaken Your Inner Goddess

Awaken Your Inner Goddess is a spiritual retreat focused on helping you claim your inner Goddess. Discover your life purpose, become empowered and connect in a way that will change your life. The courses and retreats are designed by the beautiful and powerful Jocelyn Odeas, based on ancient Egytian teachings she received during her travels to the Pyramids. Ali has attended many of these retreats which have been life changing for her, allowing her to claim her inner Goddess and become a better mother, healer and teacher.

TAO Charitable Trust


The TAO Charitable Trust is a registered charity that is dedicated to providing critical holistic services and support to children, teenagers and their families. Ali is a therapist for TAO and offers her skills to help these people in need.

If you would like to learn more about what TAO does or to donate, click the button below.

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